Unit 8 ( Monologues ) One of the 3 most important things about doing monologues are projection, taking your time and have good articulation. This helps the audience understand everything clearly. So before we start anything, every morning we would do exercises and warm ups that help us with articulation, projection and pace. We usually start off with a dance exercise. This helps us with our physicality and confidence. For the monologues, we were told that it would be much easier if we did a monologue that suits our age group. I picked a monologue from The Curious Incident Of A Dog In The Night-Time. The Curious Incident Of A Dog In The Night-Time is about a autistic 15 fifteen year old boy named Christopher Boone who is investigating the murder of his neighbours dog, Wellington. While investigating that, Christopher is also in his search of his mum. Although Christopher never mentions having autism, he says that he finds it hard to socialise and understand people emotiona...