Unit 9 Production Values Lighting

Camden Peoples Theatre Performance (Silent Movie)

I remember for the silent movie performance, we used white, blue and red lights. We used spotlights, blackouts and fixed focus lighting to convey the different emotions on stage.

I feel that if we used flicker lighting with red coloured lighting for some scenes, such as the scene where Adina is forced to pick up the glow cane. The reason for this is because it creates more tension for the audience. But the reason why we didn't add this feature is because we didn't want anyone (with epilepsy) to get affected.

Another feature which I think would've made the performance look better is adding Fresnel lighting with a tint of blue and red. I would add it in the scene where Adina gets possessed. The reason for this is because it creates a scary and anonymous character build up. The reason why we didn't add this is because we were very limited with time and resources.  


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